Active Schools

Running one of our programmes in your school can help meet the success criteria needed to achieve the Active Schools flag!

Active Schools Flag (ASF) is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland which recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. It is open to primary and post primary, special schools and Youthreach centres in the Republic of Ireland to apply.

The ASF process requires schools to self-evaluate across three areas: Physical Education/Physical Activity/Partnerships. Thereafter schools are required to plan and implement improvements that will have a tangible effect on their school community and will satisfy the ASF Success Criteria.

In order to achieve the Active School Flag schools must begin by self-evaluating their current provision across PE, Physical Activity and Partnerships. They must then plan and implement improvements across all three areas that will have a real and tangible impact on their school community.

How to achieve the Active School Flag  – click HERE

Click here for more information on how to introduce cycling to your school

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